Many of us enjoy a quiet drink, some of us prefer a few more than others. Many of us would also like to see a study that linked moderate drinking with a longer life, and that’s what several articles have tried to claim in the past. However, their results may be slightly misleading.
New research has reviewed nearly 90 previous studies examining this link between moderate drinkers and lifespan, finding no positive correlation. Now, I can’t imagine this is going to affect the way many people drink, but of course understanding the science behind is important. Newsmax has more:
Chikritzhs and her colleagues contend that previous reviews missed an important limitation: People who abstain from drinking often do so because they’re ill. As a result, the researchers said, abstainers are more likely to die earlier, a fact that can throw off findings about the influence of alcohol consumption on life span.
In the new review, the researchers examined 87 studies and removed those that didn’t take into account the fact that abstainers may avoid drinking due to illness. After the study authors “corrected” this issue, Chikritzhs said, they found no sign of a life span benefit from moderate drinking.
Let’s be clear here—there was no sign of a benefit. There was also no sign that a small amount of alcohol every so often would do any harm. Of course there is if you go overboard, but you shouldn’t feel guilty about a quiet drink on the weekend. Check out the full post for more details.

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