Not long ago the expected age we would live to sat around 60 years old, now it’s more like 80 or 90. Not only this, but we view 60 years as being rather old, in the later stages of life. That might all change soon, especially if that same 60 years ends up as only half of our expected length of life.
Through dramatic changes in our environment our lives are being greatly extended. We no longer have the same risks of disease, of violence, we have technology and science improving upon our physical and mental wellbeing, and it’s all being used make our lives better. Now, a new drug may help this process along, Details has more:
According to the New Zealand Herald, a new anti-aging drug is going to be tested on human subjects starting next year. The potential result of this could mean that we, human beings, could extend our life spans to 120 years of age (!), and be in good health to the very end (!!).
The drug in question is a widely-used diabetes pill called Metformin and costs mere cents to make. Metformin helps to increase oxygen flow on the cellular level, thereby slowing the necessary cell divisions that keep our bodies both functioning correctly but ultimately lead to aging. Belgian researchers have tested the drug on roundworms, and have had positive results so the next step is to do a human trial.
The crazy thing to remember is that our technological expansion is exponential, it’s only getting faster, so it might not be crazy to think that life as we know it now will be very different in only a few years. Check out the full post for all the details.

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