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Here are the top nuts for brain health as recommended by top physicians
We all love nuts. They come in a variety of tastes and are delicious to munch on. These tiny packets of nutrition not only satiate the taste buds but also benefit the brain and overall health. Let us take a look at how nuts aid in boosting mental power.
Most of the nuts are ripe with the following unsaturated fatty acids: Oleic Acid, Omega-3, and Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). Unsaturated fatty acids are crucial for the development of new brain cells. They help sharpen memory, improve concentration, and boost thinking ability.
Our body cannot manufacture the above-mentioned fatty acids. Nuts are an excellent and cheap source for getting important nutrients that keep our brains and bodies healthy. Nuts also keep your craving for unhealthy food under control as they are quite fulfilling. Regular consumption of nuts helps in weight management which means you will have a healthier body and subsequently a healthier brain.
Top Benefits of Nuts on Your Brain Health
Help Fight The Body Against Neurodegenerative Diseases
Nuts have multiple anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules that offer resistance against multiple neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases. Nuts contain the following healthy molecules which protect the body against gradual degeneration of body:
- Tocopherols (Vit. E)
- phytochemicals
Now that we have established how nuts are effective in boosting mental health, let us take a look at which nuts offer the highest benefit for mental health.
Walnuts resemble the human brain. Whereas this resemblance may be coincidental, the nutritional value walnuts offer make them the perfect food for the brain. Walnuts contain the following healthy molecules:
- Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
- Omega-3 acids
- Vitamin E
- Polyphenols
DHA sharpens memory and improves learning skills. It also protects the brain against degeneration. Regular consumption of walnuts meets the daily required value of omega-3 fatty acids which lies in the range of 1.1 to 1.6 grams.
- Almonds are delicious nuts that are used in multiple dishes to add flavor. They are rich in Vitamin E, which is an essential vitamin for regulating mind and body functions. Healthy levels of Vitamin E boost memory, slow down age-related neurodegeneration and regulate cognitive performance.
Consuming 100 g of almonds will give you 23.63 mg of Vitamin E which is sufficient for maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin E. Consumption of almond milk or oil is just as effective as consuming raw almonds.
Peanuts are another set of delicious nuts that are used in seasoning foods and are consumed otherwise as well. These are considered excellent foods for the brain because of the following reasons:
- They are enriched with niacin which is also known as Vitamin B3 or Vitamin PP. Niacin is very effective in enhancing neuronal development in children. Vitamin B3 is also beneficial in reversing the effects of neurodegenerative diseases.
- Regular consumption of peanuts helps in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. The niacin found in peanuts helps reduce the levels of bad cholesterol i.e. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and enhances the levels of good cholesterol i.e. High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Regulation of LDL prevents the development of amyloid buildup in the brain which causes Alzheimer’s disease.
Peanuts are a Niacin goldmine. 100 g of peanuts contain 12.9mg of niacin. The recommended dose of niacin for men is 16mg while for women it is 14mg. To meet the daily requirement of niacin, you should consume 124 g of peanuts every day.
Along with nuts, you can boost your mental health by taking brain supplements such as NeuroActiv6. This information has been brought to you by Natural Cell.

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