Do you know retiring after 65 boosts longevity? Here is a little secret to living longer lives
As the world continues to live longer lives, the idea of retiring at 65 seems like an early exit. More and more people are forgoing retirement to keep on working—whether that is because they love what they do or simply feel they need to keep making money is another issue.
It might seem an intuitive response to think that retiring can allow someone to relax and enjoy the rest of what life has to offer, but the science points in another direction. People that continue to work in some form into their old age live longer. Maintaining a purpose and drive push the body and mind to keep going. Newsmax has more:
The researchers explained that postponing retirement might delay age-related declines in cognitive, physical, and mental health, which may in turn reduce the risk of developing chronic, life-threatening illnesses.
To reach their conclusions, the researchers analyzed the medical records of 2,956 men and women who were employed at the start of a larger study in 1992, but had fully retired in 2010.
The results showed that those who retired in good health at age 67 had a 21 percent lower risk of dying than those who retired at age 65 or earlier? Those who had retired at age 70 had a 44 percent lower risk, those who retired at 72 had a 56 percent lower risk.
If you needed a reason to work into your 70s and 80s that wasn’t based on money, this is it. Make sure you check out the full post for more details.
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