You might have noticed the common occurrence of older people living longer the more they have to do. It wasn’t long ago that I realized that my grandparents whom decided to sit back, relax, and enjoy their spare time lounging about, were also the first to pass away, while the others that kept themselves busy are still around.
It’s as though the brain, realizing it has unfinished business, keeps you around long enough to reach your goals, but the moment you stop is the moment the mind decides it’s had enough. Now, there might be some science backing this idea up. A post from Newsmax is looking at this link between purpose and health:
Scientists found that people who felt strongly that their lives have meaning or that they were “useful” to others were at lower risk for heart disease and death during the study period.
After being followed for roughly seven years, more than 14,500 of the volunteers died from any cause and 4,000 suffered a heart attack, stroke or other heart-related event. But the researchers found that people reporting a higher sense of purpose in life had a roughly 20 percent lower risk of death during the study period.
This makes a strong case for not just going where life takes you or relaxing too much near the end, but in having a reason to live, a goal or desire that keeps you going. Check out the full post for more details.
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