‘Super-Agers’ Study May Reveal Secrets to Staying Young

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In a relatively short time frame, the average expected life length has sprung from around 30 years to about 80. While we all know of people that fall short of that, we also likely know people that eclipse it. Those people that somehow reach the upper limits of life are known as super-agers.

What can we learn from them? What do they do in their lives that most other people don’t? While it may come down to something like genes, there’s also a lot to be said for lifestyle choices, thankfully, a study described in NDTV have come up with some of the secrets to becoming your own super-ager:

Staying Busy

Gwen North, a retired kindergarten teacher who appears decades younger than her age of 85, took on the responsibility of running the thrift store.

“I work probably six days a week,” she said, happily.

At age 86, her husband Art is known as the go-to-guy around town — perpetually ready to chat, share information, or fix electronics that have broken.

This is personally something that doesn’t surprise me. I’ve felt for a long time that keeping you mind and body active, and having a continued purpose and desire, is essential to living longer. You can’t just stop and relax at the end, or your body will do the same. Check out the full post for the other details.

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