Taking a multivitamin each morning is a great way to get the beneficial vitamins and minerals that are otherwise rather difficult to get from your diet alone. Many powerful health boosting compounds and products exist out in the natural world, but incorporating the foods that provide them into one diet is neither cheap nor easily accessible.
This is why the little multivitamins are so helpful. But, as you might already know, the multivitamin does not contain every health benefiting plant byproduct. There are many others that, while not essential to our health, can still provide a significant boost. The Life Extension Blog has details on 5 such supplements:
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) Improves Mental Fatigue
For the brain to function ideally, it needs to have a sufficient energy supply and protection from oxidative stress. Acetyl-l-carnitine has been shown to provide both. In particular, ALC can help keep brain cells from dying.7,8One reason that ALC is so supportive for cognition is that it can cross the blood-brain barrier.9
In addition to improving mental fatigue,10 ALC also shows potential for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. In a study of Alzheimer’s patients who weren’t responding well to medication, subjects showed great improvement when ALC was added to their treatment.11
It’s becoming increasingly clear that while the brain comes in an incredibly powerful and malleable state, with the right care and outside influence, we can make it even better. Check out the full post for the other recommended supplements.
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