Here are 7 summer superfoods that you must include in your diet for better health and brain function
You are what you eat. Not literally of course, but the stuff you go putting into your body is the same stuff that your body ends up using to fuel the many important processes that keep you alive and healthy. If you fill it with crab those processes will in turn become crap. So if you want a long life, pick the right type of fuel.
So, how do we determine the right type of fuel? Well, a lot of that will depend on who you are and what you want to achieve—be it muscle gain, weight loss, or simply maintaining a healthy balance. Sticking to natural foods is a great start, beyond that there exists the realm of superfoods—products that go above and beyond the rest in raising the collective health of your body.
1. Asparagus
Asparagus is loaded with fibre, folate and vitamins A, C, E and K. It’s also a rich source of an antioxidant known as glutathione, which helps protect against cancer and aging.
Asparagus is also a natural diuretic improving fluid balance in the body, which is helpful for people who suffer from water retention or high blood pressure.
Serving suggestion: Sauté the spears in olive oil and serve with shavings of parmesan or dip in hummus as a healthy snack. Or enjoy grilled with almonds.
Not an asparagus fan? No problem, there are many other superfoods out there, so you’re bound to find some that work for you. A great place to start is the rest of this list.
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