People are living longer and looking batter than ever as they do it. Every four years, life expectancy grows by one year. Only a few decades ago hitting the 80 mark was a nice achievement, now it’s passé.
How is it that celebrities such as Clooney, Halle Berry, and Jennifer Lopez, can maintain such flawless appearances—and in essence play characters half their age? A few answers jump to mind, such as surgeries, expensive creams and lotions, and makeup. While all of those are correct to an extent, they aren’t the full story. An article on the Huffington Post points to our diets:
Three main groups of foods can cause our skin to age prematurely. These groups of age-wreckers are sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods.
The recent trend towards eating real food can also cause our bodies to age more slowly. This includes fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in free radical-fighting antioxidants. Vitamin C, one of the most potent of the free radical-fighting antioxidants, has been proven to reduce wrinkles and dry skin, but must be consumed each day. Vitamin C degrades quickly after harvest and with cooking, so it’s most potent when those fruits and vegetables containing it are eaten extremely fresh, and not canned or preserved.
We might not all have access to the same anti-aging secrets of the stars, but we can make especially good use of our diet, which is the most important aspect of longevity there is. Check out the full article for more details.
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