We’re at a period in time when science and technology are progressing faster than ever, and the research into aging and ways to slow it down are no exception. We finally figuring out how simple things such as exercise and a good diet can help, but we’re also finding specific compounds that might also do the trick.
As amazing as it’s been watching study after study come out in regard to longevity, one prominent aging researcher, Lenny Guarente, would like to see it progressing even quicker. Together with five nobel prize winners, Lenny hopes to design a pill to keep us in our youth. Inc.com has more:
“My biggest hope is that we can make available to people something that is currently unavailable, and that it will have a positive impact on their health,” Guarente says.
“If there’s a benefit that can be had now, then I think it doesn’t make sense to wait a decade or more until some derivative [from a drug company] becomes available—though I’m not saying that’s not a good thing to do too” says Guarente.
The three cofounders have been taking the company’s first product, a pill they are calling BASIS, for the last three to five months. Through its website, Elysium Health will sell a one-month supply to consumers for $60, or $50 with a monthly subscription.
Not only is it nice to see a group of prominent scientists trying to speed the process, but they’re also making it affordable. Head over to Inc.com for the full post.
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