Use These Simple Steps To Maintain Bone Health

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Are you sitting down while reading this? Chances are most of us sit for inordinate amounts of time. These days the desk is inclusive in most jobs, and if not for work, then for the entertainment side of life when we watch movies and surf the web. Even our kids aren’t getting out and running around as much as we did years ago.

Without even getting into the implications of a lack of exercise, there’s another problem with this lifestyle: posture. Our bodies weren’t meant to spend so long in a bent sitting position. These days we spend more time crooked than straight, and that is wreaking havoc on our spines, an issue that will come back to bit us when we get older. Thankfully Huffington Post have put together a few tips to help us overcome our twisted bones:

Squats and Lunges — As we age these are two basic movements of daily life. Every time you go up stairs, you are doing a mini-lunge. Every time you bend down to pick something up, you are doing a squat. Since these two movements use the largest muscles in our bodies, our quads and our glutes, strengthening these muscles will support your skeleton. It will also ease our ability to move through our daily activities. And when moving through your day is easier, your energy will go up and you will get more done.

One answer is to get some much needed exercise, but that’s not all there. What you eat, how you sit, stretching and simply getting out of your chair and going for a walk can help. Check out the full post for all of their tips.

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