There are a lot of aspects to the aging process, all of which will need to be dealt with if we’re to extend our lives in an able bodied way. From mental health—memory, quick wit, problem solving—to skin, heart, bones, and other organs. Life expectancy has been increasing for a long time, to go much further we need to consider all of these functions.
New science is starting to uncover how to do this. We have an abundance of products aimed at skin care, we’ve discovered that meditation and education help to keep the brain young, now there is new science claiming a vitamin that will keep our organs in shape. The results are presented in NewsMax:
The study set out to revitalize stem cells in the muscles of elderly mice by giving them nicotinamide riboside (NR). This substance is close to vitamin B3 and is a precursor of NAD+, a molecule that plays a key role in the activity of mitochondria. NAD+ levels can be diminished by the stress related to ageing.
The findings, published in the journalScience, proved highly promising. Muscular regeneration was found to be much better in mice that were given NR. These mice also lived longer than those not given NR. As yet, no negative side effects have been observed from NR use, even at high doses.
For the researchers, the study represents a major breakthrough for regenerative medicine, highlighting a potential future means of reestablishing the body’s own ability to repair itself with a dietary supplement.
With science progressing at an exponential rate, we could soon be looking at much longer lives punctuated by good health and strong bodies. Check out the full post for more details.

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