Different diets have shown to help keep us young, and those that place an emphasis on nuts could potentially offer the most benefit. Of all the nuts there are, the walnut may stand out as one of the most health-boosting around.
The brain-like nut contains essential fatty acids, protein, and antioxidants, and they have been shown to help fight cancer, boost heart health, and also help maintain a sharp brain. Making it a point to eat a few of these each day is going to make your mind and body happy. New research has now demonstrated the age related benefits of walnuts:
Initial findings from the Walnuts and Healthy Aging (WAHA) study presented at Experimental Biology 2016 (EB) indicate that eating the nuts daily could positively impact blood cholesterol levels without adverse effects on body weight among older adults.
It saw 707 healthy older adults divided into two groups. One group added daily doses of walnuts totaling around 15% of their caloric intake to their diets, while the other group stayed off the nuts. Both diets had minimal effect on body weight, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol over 12 months, but the walnut-eating group experienced significant LDL cholesterol reductions.
Get cracking. Walnuts are a perfect addition to any health and aging conscious individuals kitchen. Check out the full article for more details.
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