Who Will Crack The Code Of Aging?

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As science continues to evolve, and people’s drive for immortality grows, more and more people are diving into the anti aging business. With millions of dollars being spent trying to crack the code of aging, it seems to be only a matter of times until someone strikes upon a solution that works.

Joon Yun has set up a prize of $1 million for the first to crack the code, now there are at least three large private biotech groups formed with the purpose of doing so. Some of them are a part of the biggest tech giants in the world, such as Google. Popular Science has more:


Google founded Calico to develop therapies for age-related diseases. It’s brought firepower to the effort: Calico’s leaders include former heads of drug companies and top-notch experts on genomics and aging. Together with a partner, it has pledged up to $1.5 billion for research—more than the public National Institute on Aging earmarked for research in 2016.

Others include the philanthropist and Paypal founder Peter Thiel:


In late 2015, Breakout Labs, a philanthropic venture founded by Peter Thiel, announced CyteGen will be folded into its portfolio of “radical science companies.” CyteGen’s goal: to use a proprietary drug-discovery platform in order to find health-span-increasing drugs that target cell metabolism.

While the end result of these ventures should be success, they may also, at least initially, only be available to the rich. We must hope that eventually we will all have access to longer lives, at the science will be made available to everyone. Check out the full post for more details.

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