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Do you suffer from the social consequences of low sexual strength? Beets are called natural viagra and can help
Erectile dysfunction is a taboo topic across many cultures and regions and many males suffer from the social consequences of not meeting up to the standardized male image.
Males are often put on viagra and other medications to help stimulate blood flow to their genital regions and nullify their erectile dysfunction. Viagra is a synthetic medication and like all synthetic medication, it has its side effects.
Some side effects of viagra
- Blurred vision
- Insomnia
- Sleep Problems
- Muscle Pain
- Upset Stomach
Viagra works by binding to an enzyme in the body called PDE5 and preventing it from functioning. PDE5’s function is to break down cGMP and prevent cGMP from dilating the blood vessels and allowing blood flow to occur. Since viagra binds to PDE5 it prevents PDE5 from carrying out its function, and in turn, allows cGMP to continue dilating blood vessels. In this case, more blood is allowed to flow to the penis, allowing a man to maintain his erection.
How Beets Works
This is an effective mechanism which works, but there is a natural solution which works almost as well. It is very unfortunate that males suffer from the side effects of viagra when there is a very simple natural method that can work efficiently.
This method is Beets.
Beets are very high in nitrates and therefore they allow the production of nitric oxide which is essential for allowing an erection to happen. Beets can also increase cGMP levels in the body and this allows an increase in blood flow via dilated blood vessels and therefore also removes the problems associated with erectile dysfunction.
Benefits of Beets
It is important to note that no studies have been conducted measuring the direct effect of beets on erectile dysfunction. However, it is speculated that one of the causes of ED is high blood pressure and beets are able to combat high blood pressure.
High blood pressure can cause ED by damaging blood vessels which in turn restricts blood flow. An insufficient supply of blood to the penis causes the inability to hold an erection. Consuming beets regularly can reduce high blood pressure and in turn prevent blood vessel damage and allow blood to flow freely.
Beets are not only good for treating ED but they have multiple other health benefits.
One of the greatest benefits of consuming beets is the boost of energy that they provide. Studies have proven that beets are great for boosting stamina. Athletes who consume beets before exercising are actually able to exercise significantly longer than athletes who did not consume beets.
Beets are also very high in vitamin C and vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties. Beets can help a person heal faster and better when they are sick. However, beets do contain high sugar content so they should be consumed in moderation.
Erectile dysfunction can be difficult to live with but if one lives a healthy lifestyle and consumes beets regularly, the instances of erectile dysfunction should hopefully decrease over time.
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