The sun has its own way of aging us, we think about vitamin D deficiency but the summer is aging public enemy #1
As the seasons change, so does our behavior. We go from indoors people wanting to sit by the fire and read a book in the winter, to beach going, barbecue eating, beer drinkers in the summer. At the root of this problem is heat—people generally hate being cold, the moment it’s warm enough to go outside, the glasses come on and the socializing begins.
Given the stark contrast, our health naturally ebbs and flows during these periods also. While we know that the cold of winter often brings with it many more sick days than summer, when it comes to anti-aging measures, summer is the real culprit. The Huffington Post tells us why:
Who needs skin cancer? Still, the sun just makes us feel good. That’s because ultraviolet radiation from the sun releases endorphins — those “feel-good” hormones, which are actually pretty addictive.
So we admit that we are occasional sun-cheaters. We continue having a silent affair with the sun when we think no one is there to lecture us about using sunscreen. We tell ourselves that we need Vitamin D or else we will join the three out of four Americans who suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency.
But alas, the sun has its own way of aging us. Those same blessed rays that we credited with clearing up our teenage acne now cruelly ages our skin. Wrinkles and sags? Yes, it’s that no-good, two-timing sun. UV rays account for up to as much as 80 percent of wrinkles and diminished skin elasticity. And let’s not even discuss sunspots, those little brown patches that dot your face, arms and hands. At our age, you’d think we’d have outgrown the bad boys.
It’s easy to get torn between what feels good and what’s best for our bodies. We have the same problem with Netflix over the gym or pizza instead of a salad. Check out the full post for more reasons summer is our aging enemy.
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