Yoga may be good for the brain. A daily routine of yoga can prevent you many disabilities
Yoga is growing in popularity, and science is suggesting why. Along with meditation, yoga began as a spiritual Eastern practice that has slowly spread across the Western world. Many people still look at these activities like a little “hippie-ish” and unnecessary, yet they are maintaining steady growth given the support coming in favor of them.
For instance, meditation has been shown through studies to improve our attention, to reduce stress and anxiety, and even to increase our happiness. It’s also thought to keep our minds healthy and sharp into old age. Speaking of keeping the mind sharp, yoga is no slouch in that department either. In fact, when done together, meditation and yoga might be a potent life-extending pass-time. An article in the New York Times has more:
Some weakening in mental function appears to be inevitable as we age. But emerging science suggests that we might be able to slow and mitigate the decline by how we live and, in particular, whether and how we move our bodies. Past studies have found that people who run, weight train, dance, practice tai chi, or regularly garden have a lower risk of developing dementia than people who are not physically active at all.
So for the new study, which was published in April in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and other institutions decided to test whether yoga, a relatively mild, meditative activity, could alter people’s brains and fortify their ability to think.
only those who had practiced yoga and meditation showed improvements in their moods — they scored lower on an assessment of potential depression than those in the brain-training group — and they performed much better on a test of visuospatial memory, a type of remembering that is important for balance, depth perception and the ability to recognize objects and navigate the world.
To be fair, anything that gets you off your butt and moving your body is going to help you live a longer life. If it can be coupled with a mental habit of clearing you mind, even better. Check out the full post for more details.
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