As tech continues to improve and evolve, so do our methods for tracking and bettering our health. Now, more and more people are using phone apps and small additions to record everything from heart rate to brain rhythms. These recordings help gain greater insight into how our individual bodies work and where we can improve them.
While some people think this is going a little too far, others think it could go so much further. While privacy becomes an issue when storing this type of data, especially in large quantities, there is clearly several positive uses, including hospitals and doctors having far more information about patients. The NY Times has delved into the topic of biohacking to see whether this fad will continue or die out:
In theory, the insights gained from self-tracking set the stage for biohacking, the tweaking of exercise routines and eating habits to yield a better you. But Asprey is betting that most people won’t want to figure all that out, preferring instead to rely on the fruits of his years of self-funded and -directed research.
To Asprey, futurists’ grandiose ambitions will be meaningless if humans can’t find a way to improve their longevity. ‘‘The way you do that is you monitor and manage the human body and then do small-level system upgrades,’’ he told me. ‘‘Before you do a hardware upgrade, shouldn’t you make better use of the hardware you have right now?’’
Whatever happens, it’s a good assumption that our health and longevity will improve as does science and technology. Check out the full post for the whole story.

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