Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Have Questions About Selling NeuroActiv6?
Review our Wholesale F.A.Q. Below...

1.How does the program work?

The NaturalCell Partner Program allows you place bulk orders of NeuroActiv6 at our special, industry leading wholesale pricing.

NaturalCell will work with you in any way possible to make the arrangement work, so you can offer our high quality product to your clients and customers, while earning extra income on every sale.

Once you place an order (at our special pricing) we will immediately ship out your units and you can begin selling them in your store, center, or even on your own website.

2.What pricing do you offer?

We offer tiered wholesale pricing based on how many units you purchase at a time, and as we develop a working relationship have incentive pricing structures that we can discuss.

3.How do I set up an account?

Once you have applied to be an wholesaler using the form on our page and your request is accepted, account set up is super easy.

After a review from our account manager, you will be contacted by our representative to discuss your particular needs and any questions you have.

And then you’ll receive special order forms where you can purchase at our wholesale pricing.

4.Are there any guidelines or terms?

Yes. You must comply with our terms and services. Please read the entire terms and service before promoting, however, to give you an idea of some things we don’t allow:

- No purchasing a domain name with any of our trademarks in it such as naturalcell, neuroactiv6

- No Targeting discount keywords such as ‘neuroactiv6 promo code'

- No bidding on Naturalcell.com or NeuroActiv6 keywords on google, bing, yahoo

- No spam

- No selling NeuroActiv6 on Amazon.com

Please review our terms and services, as anyone caught violating our terms will be immediately removed from our partner program.

5.How do I get started?

1. Go to the Signup Form

2. Fill out the form

3. Please allow 1-2 business days for us to review your information

4. Once you are accepted, you will be contacted by a NaturalCell representative to discuss your unique needs, and we will send you a special wholesale pricing order page.

5. Place some of bottles of NeuroActiv6 in your store or center and begin making sales proving a beneficial product to your clients.

6. Earn money on every sale!